Florence SC


Treatment Type


What EMSCULPT Treats

Inner Thighs
Outer Thighs
Front of Thighs
Back of Thighs


Safe for all skin types

Complementary Treatments


No Downtime

Number of Treatments

Minimum 6-8 Treatments


Want to do the equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups or gluteal contractions in 30 minutes? Want to build and tighten your core in a revolutionary way? Want a 16% increase in muscle mass and a surrounding 19% reduction in fat? Think EMSCULPT.
Using different size applicators and programs, EMSCULPT can be used to shape and strengthen the abdomen, the gluteal muscles (butt), the arms, and the calves. The EmSculpt device has specific “paddles” that are applied over the treatment area and held in place by an elastic band. Each treatment lasts 30 minutes from start to finish with a suggested treatment plan of 6-8 treatments 3 days apart from each other.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact today at (843) 669-2220.


EMSCULPT is a non-surgical and non-invasive body sculpting treatment that uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscle contractions in specific areas of the body. It is designed to help patients build muscle and reduce fat in a safe and controlled manner.

EMSCULPT technology delivers electromagnetic pulses to the muscles, causing them to contract rapidly and intensely. These contractions are more powerful than those achieved through voluntary muscle activity, leading to muscle growth and toning. The process also helps break down and eliminate fat cells in the targeted area.

EMSCULPT is primarily used to target the abdominal muscles (for a toned, more defined core), the bicep and tricep muscles, and the buttock muscles (for a lifted and sculpted appearance). However, it may have applications in other muscle groups as well, depending on the specific device and its capabilities.

EMSCULPT is generally not painful. Most people describe the sensation during treatment as a series of muscle contractions, which can feel intense but not painful. The treatment is typically well-tolerated.

An EMSCULPT session typically takes about 30 minutes for the targeted area. Multiple sessions are usually recommended for optimal results, with sessions spaced a few days apart.

There is no significant downtime after EMSCULPT treatment. Patients can typically resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure. Some individuals may experience muscle soreness similar to post-workout soreness, but this is usually temporary and rare due to the milking of lactic acid from the muscle during the treatment.

Some patients may start to notice improvements in muscle tone and firmness a few weeks after their first EMSCULPT session. The full results become more apparent over several weeks as the muscles continue to strengthen and fat cells are gradually eliminated.

The results of EMSCULPT can be long-lasting, but they are not permanent. To maintain the muscle definition and fat reduction achieved with EMSCULPT, periodic maintenance sessions may be recommended, along with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.

EMSCULPT is generally safe for most individuals, but it may not be suitable for those with certain medical conditions, such as metal implants or electronic devices in the treatment area, pregnancy, or active cancer. A consultation with a qualified provider is essential to determine suitability for the procedure.

Genesis Cosmetic Laser Center is PROUD to Introduce EMSCULPT!

Want to do the equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups or gluteal contractions in 30 minutes? Want to build and tighten your core in a revolutionary way? Think EMSCULPT.
Genesis is proud to be the exclusive provider of this remarkable technology using magnetic field technology to maximally contract the target muscle group resulting in a 16% increase in muscle mass and a surrounding 19% reduction in fat. Genesis introduced the EmSculpt to the Florence market in 2019 and have used it as a stand -alone treatment for defining and building muscle and also as a post-lipo add on to further define the abdominal muscles as the skin tightens.

So what areas can be sculpted with EMSCULPT?

Using different size applicators and programs EMSCULPT can be used to shape and strengthen the abdomen, the gluteal muscles (butt), the arms, and the calves. The EmSculpt device has specific “paddles” that are applied over the treatment area and held in place by an elastic band. For instance, there are two paddles applied to the abdomen on either side of the mid-line of the abdomen. These same paddles can also be used to place one over each gluteal muscle when treating the buttocks area. A different half round “paddle” is used over the biceps and triceps when doing the arm. That same one can be used on the calf muscle. The 30 -minute treatment starts at 25% magnetic field to “warm-up” the muscle and then is increased incrementally to between 90-100% during the treatment. We suggest 4 treatments spaced about 3 days apart to achieve the maximal results. This allows the treated muscle to build new muscle fibers in between sessions. We have also seen excellent results with a weekly treatment 4 weeks in a row.

Is this the same as using a TENS unit?

Absolutely not. A TENS unit is only able to contract the upper portion of the muscle, not the entire body of the muscle. On areas with significant fatty thickness, the TENS may not be affective at all. The EMSCULPT uses HIFEM technology which uses strong magnetic pulses to contract the ENTIRE muscle maximally over the treatment time. The magnetic field can go up to 7 centimeters deep into the area treated. This allows it to penetrate fat and still get the max thickness of the muscle on most patients. At the same time, it is causing fat cells in the treated area to undergo a cell change that reduces fat by 19%. The maximal muscle contraction causes a 16% increase in muscle volume that is noticeable long after completion of the treatment. During the 30 minutes there are five 5-minute pulse sessions that completely contract the muscle in a pulsatile fashion with a 1-minute rest break between pulse sessions. It is not painful at all.

Is there soreness afterward like after a gym workout?

NO. The algorithm used over the 30- minute treatment has built in “rest” contractions that will milk out the lactic acid produced by the contractions. Lactic acid is what causes much of the soreness after a maximal workout. Again, this is removed by the way the contractions are stacked during treatment.

How long does the increased muscle mass last?

After the recommend initial 4 treatments you will see continued increase in the muscle build-up over the next several weeks. If you do not work-out we recommend a “boost” treatment in about 4-6 months. If you do any kind of weight resistance exercise to the treated area then you will continue to see great results without a boost or you can do one about every 6 months.