Genesis Cosmetic Laser Center

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So far Genesis Cosmetic Laser Center has created 66 blog entries.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Having a full head of hair on your head is a good thing. Having a stray line of hairs on your chin or your upper lip is less so if you are a woman. It's not something to be embarrassed about. Most of us have some hair where we'd rather not have it, and this [...]

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?2023-01-05T19:39:30-05:00

Bikini Laser Hair Removal: The Cost, Benefits and Side Effects

Summer rolls around every year, and it's never too late to rock the bikini of your dreams. A great beach body begins with easy bikini-line maintenance, and there's no better way to get the look you love than by making an appointment for laser hair removal. About Bikini Laser Hair Removal Laser hair removal in [...]

Bikini Laser Hair Removal: The Cost, Benefits and Side Effects2023-08-21T19:13:59-04:00

Does Botox Give You Clear Skin?

Most people seek Botox to look younger. After all, the popular cosmetic beauty treatment is associated with helping individuals achieve tighter overall skin and reduced wrinkling, notably in their faces. And this more youthful look is also what keeps people coming back every three to four months or so for additional treatments. While the benefits [...]

Does Botox Give You Clear Skin?2023-08-21T19:14:33-04:00

Is Laser Hair Removal the Answer

Unwanted body hair can be a hassle to deal with. As you lather up in the shower every day, you may find yourself wondering: should I just get permanent hair removal? Laser hair removal can have many long-term benefits. It's important to understand what laser hair removal can do, what it can't, and what you [...]

Is Laser Hair Removal the Answer2023-08-21T19:15:28-04:00

Botox Injections FAQ

Wrinkles are just a part of aging, right? Not necessarily. Modern technology and medicine has made growing older a lot more graceful. One useful tool in combating the signs of aging is Botox If you're concerned about wrinkles and about looking older than you feel, you've probably heard of Botox. However, how much do you [...]

Botox Injections FAQ2023-08-21T19:17:24-04:00

BROTOX: Botox For Men

When it comes to aging, you might think that it's typically women who are more apt to seek treatments like Botox to restore a more youthful appearance. But this isn't exactly the case. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly half a million men each year are undergoing Botox injections - [...]

BROTOX: Botox For Men2023-01-05T19:39:33-05:00

Juvederm Injections

Everyone is different, but most of us begin to notice some signs of aging in our thirties – when you live in a famously hot and sunny spot like Columbia, skin changes can happen even earlier. As you age, your skin naturally loses collagen and elastin; both of these important stores help keep your skin [...]

Juvederm Injections2023-08-21T19:18:27-04:00

Preventative Botox

When Botox first came on the scene of medically-assisted cosmetic procedures, it was primarily used by celebrities and the rich and famous. Only recently has Botox become a commonplace tool for the general public. Now that everyday people are getting Botox injections from their physicians, the age that people get Botox has begun to shift. [...]

Preventative Botox2023-08-21T19:19:24-04:00

How does Spider Vein Removal Work?

They won’t harm you, but if you have developed spider veins in your legs, removing them can improve the look of your legs and provide you with a smoother, more youthful appearance. There are several ways to remove these noticeable veins; understanding what these veins are and how they work can help you determine how [...]

How does Spider Vein Removal Work?2023-08-21T19:22:23-04:00

History of Botox

Botox is a prescription medication used for multiple purposes. As a facial treatment, it eliminates forehead lines, crow's feet, and frown lines between the eyebrows. Botox has also proven beneficial for alleviating the symptoms of chronic migraines, urinary incontenance, eye spasms, excessive underarm sweating, and certain forms of muscle stiffness. Cosmetic uses help reverse the signs [...]

History of Botox2023-08-21T19:22:45-04:00
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