
Florence SC

Treatment Type


What FemiLift Treats

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
Vaginal laxity
Vaginal dryness
Recurring infections

FemiLift Benefits

No downtime/Discomfort
Quick & Easy procedure
Improves Sexual Wellness

Complementary Treatments


No Downtime

Number of Treatments

3 Treatments

What Is FemiLift?

Suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence, Vaginal Dryness or increased vaginal laxity? FemiLift is an in-office aesthetic procedure without anesthesia or surgery. It is a fast, 10–15-minute procedure with little to no downtime and minimal side effects. The lasting benefits of FemiLift can be an improved quality of life and deeply enhanced self-esteem. Laser Vaginal Tightening with FemiLift is a breakthrough treatment that can help restore a youthful vagina and improve your quality of life. The technology uses an Alma CO2 laser to deliver fractionated light and thermal energy to assist in vaginal mucosa revitalization.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact today at (843) 669-2220.

FemiLift FAQs

FemiLift is a medical procedure that uses fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser technology to target and treat specific areas of the vaginal tissue. It aims to rejuvenate the vaginal lining, improve vaginal health, and address various vaginal issues.

FemiLift uses a specialized laser handpiece that emits controlled laser energy into the vaginal tissue. This energy creates tiny, controlled micro-injuries that stimulate collagen production and improve blood flow to the vaginal area. Over time, these changes can lead to increased tissue elasticity and hydration.

FemiLift can be used to address various vaginal health concerns, including:

  • Vaginal laxity (looseness)
  • Stress urinary incontinence (leakage of urine during activities like laughing, sneezing, or exercising)
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Vaginal atrophy (thinning and inflammation of vaginal walls)
  • Mild vaginal prolapse (when the vaginal walls weaken and descend)

FemiLift is generally not painful, although some individuals may experience mild discomfort during the procedure. Many providers offer topical anesthesia or numbing creams to minimize any potential discomfort.

A typical FemiLift session takes about 45 to 60 minutes to complete. Multiple treatment sessions, spaced several weeks apart, are usually recommended for the best results.

There is typically minimal to no downtime after a FemiLift procedure. Most individuals can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment. Some may experience mild vaginal discharge or discomfort, but this usually subsides within a few days.

Some patients may start to notice improvements in their vaginal health and symptoms within a few weeks of their first FemiLift session. The full benefits often become more apparent after completing a series of treatments.

The number of FemiLift sessions needed can vary depending on the specific concerns being addressed and individual patient goals. Typically, a series of three sessions, spaced a few weeks apart, are recommended for optimal results. Maintenance sessions may be advised as well.